Photo by Leela Cyd.
Five years ago I created my blog Eat Drink Garden with the hope of sharing simple, fresh and seasonal recipes with my friends and community. As an avid cook and entertainer I was constantly fielding questions and thought a blog made sense. Who could have ever dreamed it would lead to the pages of Sunset Magazine or Access Hollywood Live?
I’m a California native and my home in Santa Barbara is a major part of every post you see here, be it my garden, the farmers market, the architecture or natural beauty. The city has greatly influenced my take on California style.
The response and connection with readers makes for an amazing and fun journey. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my ever-growing collection of recipes, tips and secrets centered on living the good life.
I’m happiest when laughing, well-fed family and friends are hanging around. My hope is to show you the way to enjoy opening your home and table, serving delicious food, raising your glass and having fun while you’re at it.
Connecting with my readers makes my (cooking in the kitchen/yoga pants/talking to the dog) day. Please feel free to leave comments and questions on posts, I read each and every one. If you have any additional questions please contact me.
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You can see what I’m up to on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
My blog is centered on my favorite things — eating, drinking and gardening (obviously). A couple times a week I share my favorite finds, recipes, tips and tricks. Every recipe has been tested multiple times to make sure it will be a hit in your kitchen. Unless otherwise noted, I snap all the pictures with my beloved Canon, an occasional iPhone shot and lots of natural light.
When I couldn’t find stylish aprons, I designed my own! These linen and white aprons look equally great over denim and tee or a cocktail dress. Take a look at my collection and most importantly, look cute in the kitchen!
Unless otherwise stated, all photos on this site were taken and are copyrighted by Valerie Rice and belong to Valerie Rice. From time to time Valerie gets too elbow-deep in flour, potting soil or cocktail salt to handle the camera safely and on those occasions she calls in a professional photographer or videographer; credit is given on those posts. Thank you for respecting the copyrights of Valerie Rice, Eat Drink Garden with Valerie Rice, and our contributors.