Fresh Start: Veggie Garden

It was a difficult goodbye to my beloved garden when we moved. But it’s been fun to have the chance to plan and start a new garden utilizing some of the hard-earned wisdom of the past few years.

garden before planting

The before…

Here’s how I put it into practice:

Location, Location

First, you want to find the sunniest spot you can. From there, try to make it as close to the kitchen as you can. If your produce is right outside your kitchen door, you’re much more likely to grab something when inspiration hits in the kitchen.

Size Matters

If you’re just starting your first garden, it’s fine to begin with just one raised bed. Give yourself the chance to figure out a system and what your family likes to eat. We went from six beds down to three 4 x 12 beds. Partly the decision was made due to size constraints, but also because we often ended up with produce overload during peak harvest times.

raised veggie beds

Shop Around

After the sticker shock of pricing out custom-made beds, I set out on my search to find a veggie kit that would work for my garden space. I found the right size kit for my space at a local nursery that was budget-friendly, but still had the natural wood look I was hoping for.

Work It

Doing the right prep work for your beds makes all the difference. I always want to rush to the planting stage, but the hard prep work pays off again and again. Once the beds were assembled we raked the gravel off the area and positioned the beds. Next, we lined them with gofer wire, held in with stakes. Then came a mixture of organic compost, organic potting soil and peat moss. We stomped it down, packing the dry soil and giving it good watering.

It Begins

The next day I was able to plant. I was giddy, after these last months of living off store bought greens my motivation to harvest has never been greater. Here is what was planted: spinach, sugar snap peas, Brussels sprouts, radicchio, fava beans, carrots, butter lettuce, romaine, red ace beets, golden beets, Chioggia beets, wild arugula, celery and cilantro.

new veggie garden

…and the after.

With a little luck, work in the dirt and good California sunshine it should be harvest time soon!