Early Summer Fruit Platter

In my wildest dreams I never would have thought that the end of this school year could be so busy.  Right now, in my world of 5 and 7 year old girls, it is honestly rivaling the holidays—don’t you roll your eyes at me, I’m dead serious! End of the year BBQs, luncheons, parties and picnics dot almost every weekday, and naturally, most are pot-luck. Because good fruit is abundant and majorly in season right now, I usually offer to bring a fruit platter.  I do a platter over a salad because I feel like it’s kind of a crime to cut all of this fresh fruit into unrecognizable chunks and let it sit in a bowl for hours. A plate lets guests take what they want, and gives you some creative leeway with the arrangement.

For my daughter’s preschool graduation (I can’t believe how time flies!), I wanted the seasonal fruit platter I brought to be simple, but a little unique looking.  So, I hedgehog cut the mangos, sliced my apricots in half, removed the pits, and sprinkled the blueberries where the pits would have been.  Then, I heaped cherries on top of everything until the plate couldn’t hold any more.  Done and done! Though, I must confess, the arrangement was looking a little…windswept after my husband’s racecar-style driving, it was still a gorgeous (if I do say so my gosh darn self), fresh, and healthy appetizer for the party.